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Hey guys just wanted to hear your thoughts.
After the recent inclusion of Diana (named after the Roman God of the moon) it struck me that champions that defence our ancient culture are few and r between.
Of course there is Pantheon named after the house of the Gods in ancient Greece but beyond those two there isnt a lot else.
Considering how much the Greek and Roman cultures and mythologies contributed to our world and our interpretation of war I thought it would be nice to have a champion who could further represent that.
I mean there are some bad ass Greek gods for example Thanatos - God of Death. In Greek mythology he was Hades minister and right hand man. Maybe this could be adapted to the world of Runterra?
So yeah thats just a thought I had feel free to show your opinions but go easy on the hate :P
Remember Cassiopeia? Ever heard of Medusa? Now draw the parallels and there you go... Also yeah, Alistar too, and ninjaed.
Zilean - Chronos
but we need hercules so he can punch all the op champ out from the map either TT or SR
Cassiopia- medusa
Zilean- chronos
Gragas- bacchus/dionysus
Pantheon - the temple in Rome (the temple in Greece is partenon)
Hecarim - centaur
Diana - Diana
I would like the idea of Hermes, Poseidon, Cerberus, ...
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